
Kehidupan ini bagaikan satu putaran yang sentiasa bergerak, umpama matahari dan bulan. adakalahnya kita merasakan panas dan adakalanya kita merasakan dinginnya malam. Bahangan mentari itu mampu membuatkan kita teguh berdiri dengan kaki yang kian lenguh. Dingin malam pula akan memberikan kita kesegaran malam dalam menghadapi dugaan disiang hari. Banyak dugaan dalam kehidupan, oleh itu setiap dugaan yang kita lalui memerlukan setiap ketelitian dan langkahan yang berhati-hati. Biar kita melangkah meninggalkan keseronokan dunia demi untuk kebaikan alam abadi.Insya-Allah.
Md Asrul

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Selasa, 14 April 2009

Your Eyes

Your Eyes

When you came to your door tonight,
And your beautiful eyes gazed at me
From the darkness within,
The world around me came to a stop,
For just a few seconds,
As I saw the love from within you.

You looked at me with your warm smile,
Your black hair around your face,
And whispered softly, "hi baby",
And once again,
I was at your mercy.

For when you look into my soul
And I hear the sound of your sweet voice,
My heart opens to you my love,
With all of my dreams now fulfilled.

I never knew that a love like this
Could ever exist,
A love that consumes me,
A love so powerful,
And so overwhelming,
That I fear if I were without it,
My heart would no longer have a meaning
To its existence,
For the love that flows through it now,
Is what keeps me alive,
Keeps me whole.

As I gaze into your eyes my love,
Down into the depths of your very being,
I can see the love you feel for me,
A love as strong as my own,
A love that fills me so full of emotion,
So full of hope for the future,
That I pray I will spend the rest of my days,
Gazing into your eyes.


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