
Kehidupan ini bagaikan satu putaran yang sentiasa bergerak, umpama matahari dan bulan. adakalahnya kita merasakan panas dan adakalanya kita merasakan dinginnya malam. Bahangan mentari itu mampu membuatkan kita teguh berdiri dengan kaki yang kian lenguh. Dingin malam pula akan memberikan kita kesegaran malam dalam menghadapi dugaan disiang hari. Banyak dugaan dalam kehidupan, oleh itu setiap dugaan yang kita lalui memerlukan setiap ketelitian dan langkahan yang berhati-hati. Biar kita melangkah meninggalkan keseronokan dunia demi untuk kebaikan alam abadi.Insya-Allah.
Md Asrul

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Ahad, 20 April 2008

sad story from me

where I convinced myself that she wasn't dead.

On August 2007, just before my birthday, liza visited me in a dream. I dreamed that I was inside a hospital room. I was wearing a hospital gown and I was sitting at the foot of my bed. Liza suddenly appeared before me, clothed in bright lights. We communicated mentally. I told her it wasn't true that she was gone. She replied that I must accept the fact that she was already dead but it didn't mean that she as leaving me. "I will always be beside you, gaurding you," she said

I cried saying, "I'm sorry I didn't have the guts to fight for our relationship."

She comforted me and soothed me by shrouding me with her bright light. The bliss I felt was interrupted by voice calling her name "It's time for me to go," she told me. "But what about me?" I asked, tears in my eyes. " I will be here for you always," she replied,"and I will be waiting for you there. And don't ever forget that love you very much."

After saying this, she vanished before my eyes.
I woke up crying. After this accident,
I finished began to accept her death.
And whenever I'm depressed I feel her presence beside me I know somehow out there she's still waiting patienly for me.
thanks a lot..

true story


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